By Keith
The 1950s
heralded the outbreak of over a half-century of spectacular innovations by
America’s best and brightest including the creation of an innovation ecosystem
second to none – not to mention the invention of rock and roll music. By any
measure, the United States became the dominant world power as a nation driven
by innovation. So say the pundits and so say our nation’s leaders.
And at the core
of that success was a social contract whereby the federal government funded
basic research and discovery as the source of new ideas leading to those
innovations, principally at state-supported and private research universities.
So why is it that many in America are in denial of this basic truth? Why is it
that American universities must once again defend a strategy that has been the
envy of the world?
For those of you
not paying attention, we as citizens have yet another tome to digest entitled Research Universities and
The Future of America.
Commissioned by Senators Lamar Alexander and Barbara Mikulski and U.S.
Representatives Bart Gordon and Ralph Hall, the National Academies was asked to
assess the competitive position of American research universities and to
propose the top ten actions that our nation should undertake. This report is
the result of that study. And yes, I read the whole thing including the
Appendices … well, maybe not EVERY word.
Like its many
predecessors, the report documents the case for American research universities
as being at risk. Here are just a few of the issues.
· Significant decline in state support of
public universities leading to troubling tuition increases, calls for cost
containment and efficiency, attempts to squeeze more out of intellectual
property and technology commercialization, privatization of public
universities, and a host of other cure-all revenue concepts, but with the
underlying premise that federal dollars cannot replace state dollars.
· Unstable and flattened federal funding
for research.
· Deterioration of endowments.
· Global competition with competitors a
mouse click away leading to “the Death of Distance.”
· Failure to produce graduates matched to
both national and business interests and with the proper mix of skill sets and
· Changing national demographics and
relationships with industry as well as rapidly evolving technologies.
· Dismantling of industrial R&D
· The required size and shortened time
scale of modern research.
No one doubts
that America needs a national strategy for education and research. And no one
doubts that we need targeted national goals and grand challenges. The report
addresses these points by first establishing five guiding principles that I
paraphrase as follows:
· Balanced set of commitments by all
partners and stakeholders
· Matching requirements
· Flexibility
· Long-term effort commitment
· Support for comprehensive nature of
research universities
Based on these
principles, the report recommends ten action items to be undertaken by all of
the stakeholders. I simplify and paraphrase these recommendations as follows:
1. Stable and effective policies, practices,
and funding for university performed R&D and graduate education.
2. Autonomy to respond with agility coupled
with a restoration of state appropriations.
3. Partnering for innovation through
stakeholder connections, tax incentives, technology commercialization, and
targeted strategic workforce degree programs.
4. Cost effective and lean university
management through increased productivity – a variant of the “more for less”
approach – using agreed upon outcome measures.
5. “Strategic Investment Program” focused on
endowed chairs – particularly for young faculty – as well as research
infrastructure and capacity building cognizant of national and business
6. Full cost recovery for research.
7. Optimal regulatory environment including
harmonization across agencies and the use of best practices versus a
compliance-driven approach.
8. America’s best and brightest attracted to
viable career and national interest focused graduate programs.
9. Inclusion of women and underrepresented
10. Participation of international students
and scholars.
As always, the
devil is in the details, but I applaud the effort put forth by the National
Academies in producing this report, even though I question some of its points.
It is a worthy defense of American research universities and their role in the
social contract that has produced our great nation. The recommendations should
be immediately acted upon by all of the stakeholders and, most especially, by
Congress. And in the past, they
would have been, but no more. Instead, this report is already gathering dust on
the shelves of history, quickly forgotten and unlikely to have any impact whatsoever.
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